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Outrage as policeman ‘kills’ corps member — a day to passing out

Outrage as policeman ‘kills’ corps member — a day to passing out
July 05
08:23 2018

A policeman has allegedly killed Linda Igwetu, a corps member serving in the federal capital territory.

The police officer was said to have shot the corps member dead while she was on her way home with friends, at about 3am on Wednesday.

A Twitter user by the name Enyi Di Ya said the deceased was the sister.

The corps member had served in the Mabushi area of Abuja and was meant to conclude her National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) programme on Thursday.


Segun Awosanya, an activist and convener of the #EndSARS campaign, said the deceased had gone out with friends to celebrate her end of year service when the incident happened.

Writing via his Twitter handle, he said: “She finished at work late at about 11pm and joined a few friends to a hang out before their passing out parade scheduled for Thursday (today).

“They left for home at about 3am and was shot at shortly after the check point immediately after Ceddi Plaza by a Police Officer identified as Benjamin Peters.

“The bullet hit Angela on her side, by the midriff and she began loosing blood in the open roof vehicle.


“She was rushed to the Garki hospital but they wouldn’t treat her until they see a police report despite the fact that the police officers were present. While the deliberation was ongoing, Angela bled to death.”


Awosanya said the case has been reported to the federal secretariat police station, and that the police report on the incident is being awaited.


Calls made by TheCable to Anjuguri Manzah, spokesman of the FCT police command, and Jimoh Moshood, force public relations officer, were not answered.

The duo also failed to respond to text messages sent regarding the incident as at when this report was filed.



The alleged murder has generated outrage on various social media platforms, with many Nigerians calling for a full investigation into the incident.

Some have also called on the Nigeria police force to curb the “brutality” of some of its officers.


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