
Police search lagoon for victims as 18-passenger bus loses control on Third Mainland Bridge

Police officers at the scene of crash on third mainland bridge Police officers at the scene of crash on third mainland bridge

The Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) says marine police are searching for two persons who plunged into the lagoon in an auto crash involving a 20-seater commercial bus on the Third Mainland Bridge.

Adebayo Taofiq, spokesperson of LASTMA, said 18 of the passengers were injured in the accident that happened on Wednesday at the Adekunle inward Adeniji Adele axis of the bridge.

The LASTMA spokesperson said investigations showed that the bus lost control due to brake failure while at high speed on the newly rehabilitated road.

“Operatives of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority today rescued 18 seriously injured accident victims at Adekunle inward Adeniji Adele on Third Mainland Bridge,” Taofiq said in a statement.


“Preliminary investigations revealed that a 20 fully loaded LT Commercial Bus (FKJ 872 YA) while on a high speed lost control as a result of a brake failure and was about to fall inside lagoon before it was stopped by the rail of 3rd Mainland Bridge.

“While the truck driver ran away after the accident, Policemen from Adeniji Adele Police Station provided security backup during the rescue of 18 seriously injured passengers by Lastma Officials.

“The Marine rescue team are already inside the lagoon on a search and rescue mission to see if any of those passengers fell inside the lagoon.”


The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) confirmed that two passengers plunged into the lagoon due to the accident.

“A tragic accident involving a 20-seater bus with registration number FKJ 872 YA happened near the Adeniyi Adele area, heading towards Lagos Island,” an update released by the agency reads.

“The bus was traveling at a high speed when it veered off the road, striking the bridge rails causing two passengers to be ejected into the lagoon. The victims, a man and a woman, are currently being searched for by the Marine Police.”

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