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ISIS kidnaps 90 in Syrian Christian villages

ISIS kidnaps 90 in Syrian Christian villages
February 24
15:03 2015

The Islamic State of Syria and the Levant (ISIS) has abducted at least 90 people from Christian villages in northeastern Syria.

According to UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, at least 90 people were seized in a series of dawn raids near the town of Tal Tamer.

“IS militants kidnapped 90 Assyrian citizens at least in the villages of Tal Shamiram and Tal Hermz located around the town of Tal Tamer in the countryside of al- Hasakah,” the rights group said in a statement.

“Fourteen fighters from the IS killed by United States (US) led coalition air strikes on their locations east of Tal Hamis.


“Eight civilians, including five children, were killed by Peshmerga bombardment on Salima village in Jaz’a countryside near Syria-Iraq borders, which the YPG (Popular Protection Units) were able to control parts of it.”

This is coming just after Syrian Kurdish fighters backed by US-led air strikes continue to advance into IS-held territory, repelling the forces of the terrorist sect.

On Monday, a Kurdish official said IS militants had been forced back to within 5km (3 miles) of the town of Tal Hamis by the Popular Protection Units (YPG).


ISIS has been known for various degree of control in territories in Iraq and Syria, and also has operations in eastern Libya, the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, and other areas of the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.

Few weeks ago, the sect released a video showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians.

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